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A Moment to Act: ShakeAlert® Earthquake Early Warning and Healthcare System Resilience
Wednesday, May 10, 2023, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM PDT
Category: Oregon Public Health Events

The ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) System can detect earthquakes so quickly
that alerts can be delivered to people before they feel shaking. ShakeAlert EEW can also trigger
other pre-programmed actions that reduce damage to healthcare facilities and speed their
recovery after an earthquake. More information can be found at ShakeAlert.org.

Join industry leaders to learn how hospitals and other healthcare facilities have used ShakeAlert-
powered products to enhance their resilience to earthquakes. Topics will include:

• How the ShakeAlert EEW System works
• Case studies of how healthcare facilities are using ShakeAlert EEW technology
• How to implement ShakeAlert EEW at your facility
• Funding pathways for ShakeAlert EEW implementations

The workshop will include a panel from hospitals that currently use ShakeAlert EEW technology,
presentations from federal and state grant program managers, and interactive discussion. This
workshop is targeted toward emergency managers, facilities managers, and executive leaders
within healthcare systems, but you are encouraged to share this invitation with others who might
benefit from this workshop.

