Member Center - Get involved!

Join OPHA today to help strengthen the public health community in Oregon by:


  • Much of the work of OPHA is done through our committees; OPHA committee membership is open to any OPHA member. Click here for a list of OPHA Committees, their description and activities, and contact information.
  • There are OPHA Special Interest Sections that represent public health disciplines or public health issues. These sections are designed to allow members with shared interests to come together to develop policy initiatives, provide for professional and social networking, career development and mentoring. Membership in one special interest section is included with your OPHA annual membership dues. 
  • OPHA is led by a volunteer Board of Directors. Any OPHA member may run for an open director position; director elections are held at the annual meeting in October. If you are interested in learning more about becoming an OPHA Director, contact OPHA

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Checking In & Staying Connected

The OPHA website is updated regularly. Additionally, members receive regular emails that provide information about up-coming public health events around Oregon, policy updates, action items and OPHA business such as section updates and announcements.

Offering Feedback

Please let us know what you think OPHA should be doing to better meet it's mission to provide learning opportunities for public health professionals and the broader community and to advocate for policies that protect and promote the health of all Oregonians. Contact Us

Thank you for your involvement in public health and your support for OPHA! 

Not already a member? Click here and become an OPHA member today