
We Create a Forum 

OPHA creates a forum where all groups involved in public health advocacy meet to share information, discuss legislative agendas, and collaborate effectively to promote needed public health legislation.


Submit Endorsement Request



Endorsement requests are welcome on any local or statewide initiative or legislation that impacts public health in Oregon. Endorsement applications are reviewed as they are received at a Policy Committee meeting. The Policy Committee makes a recommendation to the Board of Directors who reviews the proposal and then votes on endorsement.

An OPHA endorsement can include:

  • Official OPHA endorsement, the use of our name and/or logo
  • An opportunity to educate our members about the proposed policy and to solicit committed volunteer advocates
  • Action alerts answered by our members to contact their representatives or policy makers and advocate for your issue
  • Inclusion in a list of OPHA endorsed concepts on the OPHA website, as well as opportunities to publish announcements, articles or solicitations for volunteers/advocates
  • Advocacy for endorsed policies through OPHA members’ meetings with legislators during our annual Capitol Visit Day
  • Possible testimony, op-eds and letters by knowledgeable OPHA members

Please send an email to [email protected] if you have questions about the process or would like technical support.