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Climate Change in Oregon: A Public Health Emergency
Wednesday, February 17, 2021, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM PDT
Category: Oregon Public Health Events

Public Health Portland Style is FREE and open to the public | Presented via Zoom (registration required) or via live streaming on Facebook 

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Global climate change is a public health emergency. Warming temperatures increase the likelihood for extreme weather events such as large storms, heatwaves, and drought. In the Pacific Northwest, warming winters result in precipitation falling as rain instead of snow, thus lowering the snowpack and creating summer water shortages and rivers too hot for fish to thrive. From a human health perspective these changes act as a threat multiplier, meaning that heatwaves, air and water pollution, and disease outbreaks are more likely to occur or at magnitudes worse than in the past. And much like the COVID-19 pandemic, the health impacts, including mental health, are compounded by social determinants such as living in poverty or suffering from chronic health issues.

So, what can we do? The reality is that climate change is already impacting Oregonians and we must act to mitigate the health threats and to slow the rate of global warming. And there are good solutions, many that produce multiple public health and social justice benefits. This panel discussion will focus on climate change in Oregon and explain recent federal and state initiatives at the intersection of climate change and public health. Audience questions may be submitted before or during the live forum.

Please Note: We encourage audience members to submit their questions in advance in order to help the panel address as many of your questions as possible. 

Learn more about Public Health Portland Style and the upcoming event here.

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