2014 OPHA Award Winners
Each year, OPHA presents awards to fellow OPHA members, colleagues and community members that have contributed to public health in Oregon. All of the nominees for the 2014 OPHA Awards were exceptional in their commitment to improving the public’s health and have made a positive difference for Oregonians. Congratulations to the following recipients who received their awards at the 2014 OPHA Annual Meeting!
PHOTO: Brian Johnson, Dianna Pickett & Alissa Leavitt *Photo courtesy of Jessica London

Lifetime Achievement: Dianna Pickett *Nominated by Pat Foley and Theresa Watts
This award is given to a person who has demonstrated a lifetime commitment to public health in Oregon.
Dianna is the embodiment of a public health nurse leader. Impassionate about community based nursing and prevention; she is a tireless advocate for the health of the residents of Oregon. Throughout her professional career, Dianna has demonstrated a unique ability to lead by example and to advocate for chance in a non-confrontational manner. Dianna is an effective change agent who stands up for what she believes in - population based nursing and her most current passion, the care of children in child care.
Since obtaining her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Oregon - School of Nursing, Dianna has worked in a variety of roles in 3 different Public Health Departments: Benton Co., Deschutes Co., and Multnomah Co. Benton County HD and the Benton County school districts were exploring the feasibility of Community Health Nurses providing Reproductive Health Education in class rooms. Dianna was instrumental in bringing this program to fruition which resulted in strong partnerships between the different entities.
Deschutes County benefited from Dianna’s skills first in her role as Director of Health Services at Central Oregon Community College and later as Nursing Supervisor at Deschutes County HD. At Deschutes County HD true to her nature of looking at the big picture, Dianna partnered with community leaders in health, education, and social services to establish Granma’s House. Granma’s House connected homeless, pregnant women to community, health, and school resources. During this time Dianna advocated for the role of PHNs as community experts and encouraged and supported continuing education for her staff.
When she was first hired at the State Health Authority, Dianna worked out of her home in Bend as a Regional Nurse Consultant working with local health departments to provide education and monitoring of Maternal Child Health Programs. During this time she demonstrated her belief in lifelong learning by obtaining her Master’s Degree in Nursing from the Oregon Health Sciences University. Dianna’s Master’s Project focused on the role of Public Health Nurses in the Healthy Start Program. She brought stakeholders from all sides together and with her leadership the group reached a consensus. Dianna chaired the statewide Screening and Assessment Workgroup tasked with developing common assessment and screening criteria to be used by interdisciplinary staff including PHNs from local and state health and social services. Again with her leadership, the workgroup was able to reach an agreement.
In the Child Care Nurse Consultant role, Dianna has demonstrated her ability to work as a change agent within the state. She partnered with the Early Child Care, Education, and Public Health experts including the Office of Child Care and the Oregon Center for Career Development to develop health and safety resources. This included developing an on-line e-reference.
Dianna has mentored many new Regional Nurse Consultants and takes an active role in the orientation and continuing education of new Public Health Nurses. Many have benefited from her grasp on Population Based Nursing and have been challenged to use the Public Health Nurse Intervention Wheel.
Under Dianna’s leadership as Chair of the Oregon Public Health Association Nursing Section, a Two Year Work Plan was developed. This has stood as a foundation for the current work of the organization. In addition she has served as the OPHA Nursing Section Representative on the OPHA Board and was recently elected as Member at Large on the OPHA Board. Last but not least, Dianna has provided behind the scenes support for many of the activities of the Nursing Section. She is an unsung hero who is always willing to pitch in and make sure that things are accomplished.
Quote from Dianna: “Where ever I worked, no matter what my job description, it always became public health. Can't help it...not sorry! Public health nursing has challenged me, taught me, frustrated and enlightened me. It has brought me wonderful friendships and shown me hidden jewels of the human spirit. It has given me a chance to help make life better, at least for some, and to share a vision for a healthier future for all. It has impassioned me and made me raise my hand enthusiastically because I forgot that I was already over committed. I have pressed my husband and children into service to a public health nursing project, and they enjoyed it (mostly). I have renamed my granddaughter's "Doctor" kit and "Nurse" kit and we addressed a whooping cough outbreak among her stuffed animals. I'm hopelessly a public health nurse.”