2017 OPHA Annual Conference & Meeting
October 9 & 10, 2017 Oregon State University - Corvallis, OR
2017 Keynote Presentations
The Value of Traveling Upstream Together: New Approaches & New Partners Monday, October 9th from 9:30-10:30 am (LaSells, Austin Auditorium)
Presented by:
Thomas C. Quade, MA, MPH President, American Public Health Association

Mr. Quade will share with the audience the advocacy and policy priorities of the American Public Health Association and discuss ways in which citizens can advocate for health at the local level to create policy, system, and environmental changes that increase access to health. He will also discuss the value of building relationships with novel community partners in an effort to lay the foundation upon which a community can build a culture of health.
Tom Quade is the current President of APHA. He earned an MA in Counselor Education from the University of Cincinnati, a MPH from Yale University in 1999, and a professional public health credential (CPH) in 2008. His previous public health work included working as a public health specialist for the World Health Organization and serving in the United State Peace Corps in the Kingdom of Nepal. Quade is currently the Health Commissioner for Marion County, Ohio. Prior to serving as the Health Commissioner for Marion, he served as the Deputy Health Commissioner for Summit County, Ohio. Quade also holds a community faculty position with the Northeastern Ohio Medical University’s Master of Public Health program. In addition to his service to APHA, he has held several national appointments including service on the board of directors of the National Board of Public Health Examiners (NBPHE) and the board of directors of the Foundation to Advance Public Health through Certification (FAPHC). He is also an experienced PHAB site visitor and has chaired multiple site visit teams. Tom considers his local service involvement to be supportive of what he considers a broad community health system and currently serves on the Marion Black Heritage Council, the Marion League of Women Voters, and the Summit County Board of Developmental Disabilities.
Swimming Upstream Tuesday, October 10th from 9:30-10:30 am (LaSells, Austin Auditorium)
Presented by:
Dr. John Kitzhaber Health Policy & Politics Consultant

The national health care “reform” debate has been focused largely on "how to make health insurance more affordable?" The challenge is to refocus this debate on “how to make Americans healthier?” Doing so will require not only reducing the rate of medical inflation but also reallocating resources from the medical budget into the community to address the social determinants of health.
John Kitzhaber received his BA from Dartmouth College and earned his MD from Oregon Health & Science University. He served one term in the Oregon House from 1979 to 1981 and was elected to the Oregon State Senate in 1980. He served three terms in the Oregon Senate from 1981 to 1993, and served as Oregon's Senate President from 1985 to 1993. As Senate President, he authored the groundbreaking Oregon Health Plan that provided access to health care for thousands of low and moderate-income Oregon families. He is the longest-serving governor in Oregon’s history serving two terms from 1995 until 2003, another full-term from 2011 until 2015. During his third term as governor Kitzhaber was the chief architect of Oregon’s Coordinated Care Organizations, the first effort in the country created on a statewide basis to meet the Triple Aim—better health, better quality, lower cost¬—with a focus on community and population health. Because of his leadership in health care reform, in 2013 Modern Healthcare Magazine ranked Kitzhaber as second on the list of the 100 Most Influential People in Health Care and first on the list of the 50 Most Influential Physician Executives. Governing Magazine named him Public Official of the Year in 2013. Kitzhaber is currently a writer, speaker and private consultant on health policy and politics.
***Keynote ONLY Admission* - REGISTER HERE
*Please note, this $25 registration is to attend ONLY the keynote presentation by Dr. John Kitzhaber. Participation in the OPHA Annual Conference & Meeting will not be allowed unless a fully paid conference registration has been received. Click here to register for the full event.
Featured Presentation
Gun Violence as a Public Health Issue: The University Campus as a Community Partner Tuesday, October 10th from 10:45 am - 12:00 pm (LaSells, Construction & Engineering)
Presented by:
Brian K. Gibbs, Ph.D., M.P.A., OTR Vice President, Equity & Inclusion and Associate Professor, School of Public Health, OHSU-PSU

According to the Centers for Disease Control, roughly 33,000 people are killed each year because of firearm violence. Gun Violence is an expanding national epidemic and the image of gun violence permeates across all sectors of society, including academic institutions such as the Oregon Health & Science University, an academic medical center dedicated to healing others, advancing the frontiers of scientific knowledge, teaching and diversity. In the state of Oregon, on average, 456 people die annually from firearm injuries, a rate of 11.7 per 100,000. The majority is a result of suicides, followed by homicides and, more distantly, by legal intervention shootings and unintentional shootings.
This session will introduce the role a University can play as a convener of community forums designed to bring business and neighborhood community partners together to examine social and environmental determinants of gun violence and to formulate recommendations supporting the role of academic institutions towards addressing these challenges.
Objectives for this session will be to:
- Identify risk factors along with sustainable public health prevention approaches emphasizing the role of individuals, campus, and community and city stakeholders; and
- Examine the benefits of community forums designed to promote transparent conversations about the disproportionate burden of violence and trauma in urban and rural communities; and
- Promote empathy and healing within and across academic, workplace, and community environments; and
- Highlight public policies and promising practices to reduce the incidence of gun violence.
As Vice President for Equity and Inclusion at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), Dr. Brian Gibbs serves as the chief diversity officer for the University, overseeing the Center for Diversity & Inclusion (CDI) and is responsible for diversity initiatives within the clinical, educational, and research missions. Prior to OHSU, he served as associate vice chancellor for diversity for the University of New Mexico Health Science Campus. There, he led initiatives ranging from advancing the quality of faculty mentorship training to promoting cultural competency and facilitating institution-wide and community partnerships to improve pathways to a more diverse and informed culturally competent workforce. Prior to his work at UNM, Dr. Gibbs served as the Associate Dean for Diversity and Cultural Competence at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Early in his career, he spent ten years as the founder and director of the Program to Eliminate Health Disparities at the Harvard School of Public Health, where he was a senior research scientist within the Department of Health Policy and Management. He was the principal investigator for "Breaking It Down: Our Health Our Way," a pilot initiative, funded by the Education Network to Advance Cancer Clinical Trials to translate cancer clinical trials into a valuable and accessible community resource. Dr. Gibbs also served as the center director, community outreach, intervention co-director, and co-investigator for two consecutive NIH-funded National Center for Minority Health and Health Disparities Centers of Excellence.
Movie Screening
Sick Around the World: Other Rich Countries Have Universal Health Care. Why Don't We? Monday, October 9 at 5:00 pm (OSU Alumni Center, Ballroom C)
Discussion facilitated by: Ken Rosenberg
In Sick Around the World, FRONTLINE teams up with veteran Washington Post foreign correspondent T.R. Reid to find out how five other capitalist democracies -- the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, Taiwan and Switzerland -- deliver health care, and what the United States might learn from their successes and their failures. Read full introduction HERE.
Questions? Contact Ken Rosenberg: [email protected]
Closing Plenary
Social Determinants of Health through the Lens of Equity and Social Justice Tuesday, October 10 from 3:15 – 4:30 pm (LaSells, Construction & Engineering)
OPHA 2017 will conclude with a thought provoking panel discussion on equity and social justice. The following presenters will provide their expertise on how social determinants relating to housing, reproductive health, environmental exposures, and food insecurity can impact the overall health of Oregonians.
Daniel López-Cevallos, PhD, MPH Assistant Professor and Associate Director of Research Center for Latina/o Studies and Engagement (CL@SE) Oregon State University
Katherine McGuiness, MPH, MSW Board President Network for Reproductive Options
Jae Douglas, PhD, MSW Environmental Health Director Multnomah County Health Department
Brigetta Olson Deputy Director Willamette Neighborhood Housing Services
Brian Park, MD MPH, PGY-4 Oregon Health & Science University Combined Family Medicine-Preventive Medicine Residency
OPHA Communications Booth
Please be sure to stop by the OPHA Communications Booth at the conference this year where you can do a Facebook Live interview, to learn more about how Twitter can be used as a communication tool for public health. Just remember…The more involved you become, the stronger the voice of Oregon Public Health can be so "Take 2 to Tweet"!
Twitter Contest Sponsored by Rede Group
The Twitter Contest is back for another exciting round! Follow OPHA 2017 on twitter @ORPublicHealth (#OPHA17) and enter for a chance to win. To qualify, tweet what you've learned about the latest developments in public health around Oregon or strike up a meaningful discussion about one of the exciting topics featured at OPHA 2017. Help us trend on Twitter and enjoy this exciting bonus to possibly win one of the following prizes:
- Win an OPHA membership by having the most tweets at the conference using #OPHA17
- Win an iPad by having the most twitter engagement of your tweets at the conference. Please use #OPHA17 in your tweet!
- Win a canteen water bottle by being one of the first 50 people to come to the Social Media booth and show that you have tweeted or posted an Instagram or Facebook post using #OPHA17.