Awards Committee

Now recruiting for committee members! Apply by July 19.

Committee Chair: Maritza Kritz

The OPHA awards are presented each year at the OPHA Annual Business Meeting, held in conjunction with the annual conference. Nominations are solicited over the summer and the awards committee makes selections from these nominations, coordinates the award process, and announces award winners at the business meeting. These awards recognize the contributions of OPHA members, organizations, colleagues and community members that have contributed to public health in Oregon.

Award categories include:

Lifetime Achievement 
This award is given to a person who has demonstrated a lifetime commitment to public health in Oregon.

Policy Champion of the Year
This award will be given to a person or organization that has made an outstanding contribution to advancing public health policy in Oregon.

Emerging Leader
This award is given to a person who has demonstrated leadership, innovation, and creativity in the beginning of his/her public health career.

Health Equity Champion
This award will be given to champions working across sectors to ensure that everyone has opportunities where we live, learn, work and play.